2 c. flour
4 tbsp. cream of tartar
4 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 c. salt
2 c. water
1/4 to 1/2 tsp. food coloring, optional
Mix all of the dry ingredients in an 8 cup measure or a 2 quart casserole. If using the food coloring, add it to the water. Stir the water and the oil into the dry ingredients stirring until smooth.Cook on high for 5 to 6 minutes, stirring well, (break up lumps), every 2 minutes, until the playdough clings to the spoon and is no longer sticky. When it is cooked enough, it will be pliable and soft, but not sticky.
Turn out onto a plate and cool for a few minutes. Knead it for a minute or two until it is smooth. Store it in a tightly covered plastic container. Refrigeration is not necessary.

Peanut Butter Playdough

1 c. peanut butter (creamy)
1 c. corn syrup
1 1/4 c. powdered milk
1 1/4 c. powdered sugar

Mix all ingredients. Store playdough in covered container. Delicious and fun to play with too.

Homemade Playdough Recipe


2 c. flour
1 c. salt
1/4 c. salad oil
3/4 - 1 c. water
Few drops of food coloring of your choice


Mix flour, salt and oil. Then add food coloring to the water. Finally add water to flour, salt and oil. Knead until it no longer sticks to your hands. Baggies may be used to store playdough in so it doesn't have to be divided every time it is used. Seal with plastic tie strings or coffee cans. If dough gets too hard or dries out, add more water. If dough gets too oily, add flour.

Homemade Playdough


1 c. flour
2 tsp. cream of tartar
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 c. water
1 drop of food coloring
1/2 c. salt


Mix dry ingredients thoroughly. Add food coloring to the water and oil and stir into dry ingredients. Stir over medium heat several minutes until mixture forms a ball. Let cool in bowl, then knead until smooth. Store in an airtight container. The playdough will keep four to six weeks and will lose its greasiness after the first or second use.

Playdough Recipe


1 c. flour
1/2 c. salt
2 tsp. cream of tartar
1 c. water
1 tbsp. cooking oil


Mix ingredients in a saucepan. Cover over medium heat until it forms into a ball, stirring constantly. Food coloring may be added. Knead slightly on waxed paper. Let cool. This playdough will not stick to carpet or clothes.